
Send a bouquet to China

We can deliver different types of bouquet such as the traditional bouquet of flowers or something a bit different such as a bouquet of chocolates, a bouquet of candies and even a bouquet of strawberries!

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Chinese New Year...

Price $138.80

Floral arrangement arranged in a gift pot and composed of fresh red roses, orchid,...

The Bouquet of...

Regular price $62.50 Price $56.25

Bouquet of flowers composed of 5 sunflowers, 3 multi-stemmed white lilies and...

The Bouquet of 199...

Price $219.00

Bouquet of 199 fresh roses composed of 133 white roses surrounding 66 red roses...

The Bouquet of 99...

Price $98.99

Bouquet of 99 fresh white roses tinted with blue paint spray.

Premium white...

The Bouquet of 99...

Price $108.99

Bouquet of 99 fresh roses composed of 50 white roses surrounding 49 red roses...

The Bouquet of 99...

Price $98.99

Flowers: 99 fresh champagne roses, surrounded by white gypsophila.


The Bouquet of 999...

Price $999.00

Flowers: 999 fresh pink roses.

Packing: Premium white wrapping with three...

The Fruits and...

Price $72.90

Round shaped gift box composed for flowers of roses, marguerite daisies and for...

The Mini Bouquet...

Price $32.80

Mini bouquet composed of a box of Ferrero Rocher chocolates (8 pcs), gypsophila...

The Bouquet of 99...

Regular price $98.99 Price $94.04

Flowers: 99 fresh pink roses.

Packaging: Premium white wrapping with white...

The Oversized...

Price $106.88

1 to 1.2 meter oversized bouquet

Flowers: 5 pink hydrangeas,...

The Bouquet of...

Price $65.90

Bouquet composed of 33 Ferrero Rocher chocolates, 9 yellow roses, 9 champagne roses,...

The bouquet of...

Price $60.50

Flowers: 2 blue hydrangeas, 13 champagne roses, orange spray roses, 10 pink...

The bouquet of...

Price $52.50

Bouquet composed of one blue hydrangea, 11 pink roses, 6 hot pink roses, one pink...

The bouquet of...

Price $59.80

10 champagne roses, 10 white roses with blue spray, 8 yellow roses, orange spray...

The Bouquet of...

Price $107.90

One fresh durian fruit, 19 yellow roses, 3 white roses, 2 sunflowers, eucalyptus,...

The Bouquet of 99...

Price $128.90

Floral: 99 fresh strawberries, surrounded by gypsophila.

Packing: Black...

The Bouquet of 520...

Price $520.00

Bouquet composed of 520 fresh red roses.

Arranged in a premium black...