
Our flowers listed by type

We provide a wide range of fresh flowers, we can deliver calla lilies, carnations, gerberas, lilies, roses, sunflowers and water lilies.

Flowers are available in eclectic colors for delivery by a local florist located nearby your recipient's delivery address.

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Heart Shaped Gift...

Price $68.90

Heart shaped gift box composed of 11 fresh red roses, white gypsophila flowers, 9...

The Bouquet of Red...

Price $72.90

Bouquet composed of 19 fresh red roses, 33 Ferrero Rocher chocolates and white...

The Fruits and...

Price $71.90

The fruits and flowers heart shaped gift box « My Heart is Only for You ».


Preserved Rose &...

Price $37.90

Angel glass dome composed of a natural preserved rose and preserved hydrangea...

Chinese New Year...

Price $138.80

Floral arrangement arranged in a gift pot and composed of fresh red roses, orchid,...

Chinese New Year...

Price $155.90

Content of the basket:

Few fresh red roses arranged on the basket


Poinsettia Plant...

Price $43.80

***Only available during Christmas time.***

Poinsettia plant, also known as...

The Bouquet of...

Regular price $62.50 Price $56.25

Bouquet of flowers composed of 5 sunflowers, 3 multi-stemmed white lilies and...

The Bouquet of 199...

Price $219.00

Bouquet of 199 fresh roses composed of 133 white roses surrounding 66 red roses...

3D Heart Shaped...

Price $109.50

3D heart shaped natural preserved roses.

3D mean you can see the preserved...

Small Christmas...

Price $92.50

Small Christmas tree composed of natural preserved roses and preserved hydrangea...

Mini Christmas Tree...

Price $47.50

Mini Christmas tree composed of natural preserved roses and preserved hydrangea...

Heart Shape...

Price $127.90

Natural preserved roses arranged in a heart shape.

60 to 65 roses


Preserved Roses and...

Price $56.80

Natural preserved roses and hydrangea flowers arranged inside a bottle of wine cut...

Preserved Flowers...

Price $59.90

Natural preserved roses and hydrangea arranged on a bedside lamp.

Item size:...

[Local Pastry Shop]...

Price $53.80

Roses & flowers theme round shaped birthday cake.

Fresh flowers, not...

The Heart Shaped...

Price $65.80

Heart shaped gift box composed of one Ferrero Rocher chocolates heart shaped box (8...

Preserved Flowers...

Price $75.80

Natural preserved roses and hydrangea with a Chinese lucky cats in a glass...