
Send blue flowers to China

We can deliver a bouquet of blue flowers (whether it's blue roses, blue tulips or any other kind of blue flowers), fresh blue flowers can be delivered to the person of your choice anywhere in China.

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The Bouquet of 99...

Price $98.99

Bouquet of 99 fresh white roses tinted with blue paint spray.

Premium white...

The bouquet of...

Price $60.50

Flowers: 2 blue hydrangeas, 13 champagne roses, orange spray roses, 10 pink...

The bouquet of...

Price $52.50

Bouquet composed of one blue hydrangea, 11 pink roses, 6 hot pink roses, one pink...

The bouquet of...

Price $59.80

10 champagne roses, 10 white roses with blue spray, 8 yellow roses, orange spray...

The Bouquet of...

Price $82.80

Flower materials: 3 blue hydrangeas, 3 sunflowers, 9 yellow roses, 8 brushed...

The Bouquet of...

Price $46.00

Bouquet composed of one blue hydrangea, three white roses, white lisianthus,...

The vase of flowers...

Price $81.80

5 blue roses and 5 yellow calla lilies.

Arranged in a glass vase.


The vase of blue...

Price $65.50

Glass vase composed of 13 light blue roses, pink Bouvardia hybrida and green...

The box of flowers...

Price $78.80

16 stunning pink roses with 16 blue roses accented with baby's breath and one small...

The bouquet of...

Price $81.80

11 blue roses accented with 6 yellow calla lilies, peruvian lilies and fresh...

The bouquet of...

Price $65.70

11 blue roses accented by multi-stemmed pink lisianthus and fresh greens.


The bouquet of...

Price $68.50

11 blue roses accented by one multi-stemmed white perfume lily, pinathus japonicus...

The bouquet of...

Price $62.80

11 blue roses accented with limonium perezii and fresh greens.

Giled pink...

The bouquet of...

Price $62.50

Bouquet composed of 11 blue roses accented by gardenia leaves.

Blue crepe...

The bouquet of...

Price $63.20

11 blue roses accented by lisianthus, pinathus japonicus and fresh greens.


The bouquet of...

Price $68.90

4 yellow perfume lilies and 10 pink carnations, accented by a blue hydrangea, orange...

The bouquet of...

Price $66.50

11 premium white roses accented with 4 multi-stemmed white fragrant lilies, a blue...